Seriously. I know our course is messed up. But this is totally messed up until i wan to ROFLLMAOLOLBBQDAIRYQUEEN out. Click to enlarge and read. lmao.
8 years ago
Game and Entertainment Technology, C152, Blog. Need we say more?
As discussed at SMM, a farewell ceremony will be held for senior students at the diploma level. This has been arranged for 17 Mar 09 from 10am – 11.30am followed by lunch.
The objective is to give CMs, the course teams and CPs a common occasion to:
congratulate students on their successes & celebrate with them;
show diploma videos, look back on the experience of the last 3 years and build a sense of camaraderie;
help students look forward to and prepare for graduation;
follow-up on the advice give at the Next LAP on application to universities (and for scholarships), job opportunities etc.
D/IIT and DDs will pop round to each LT to convey their congratulations to students as well.
This would also be a good occasion for group photos and for CPs to issue testimonials to the students. The following LTs have been booked for each course:
LT4 - IT
LT10 - IMI
LT12 - MWC
Packed lunch will be provided at the Concourse:
Service points for lunch:
– for CDS, FBI and IT – in front of Blk 6
– for GET, MWC and IMI – in front of Blk 2
Wes has boobs.. DUN DUN DUN~
Enjoy your day pplz~
[Edit: There there people, Wes is still a good friend of ours. Theres no need to act any different towards him. I think. -Firo]